

Institute of International Education to Conduct Trips to England, France, Italy, and Scandinavian Countries--Cost of Trip $675

Detailed plans concerning a series of student tours to Europe were announced yesterday through the Institute of International Education, Department of Student Tours.

This group of students, to which the opportunity of foreign travel is offered as a special inducement for American college youth to obtain a better acquaintance with European countries, has been organized for the summer of 1922 under the auspices of the Institute of International Education, and membership is open to students and instructors in American colleges and universities.

The tours have been established on a non-commercial basis for the purpose of enabling college students to travel in foreign countries during the summer vacations at the lowest possible cost, under capable guidance and instruction. In many cases special courtesies will be accorded to the men by the governments and universities of the countries visited.

Four different tours have been arranged for by the Institute, to England, France, Italy, and the Scandinavian countries. These tours, while divided in Europe, are scheduled to start at the same time from New York on July 1, and will assemble again at Cherbourg for the return trip.

To Visit English Universities


The tour of the British Isles will include several days in London, short visits at Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and Edinburgh and the industrial centers of Manchester and Glasgow, with brief stays at many places identified with the joint heritage of the English-speaking peoples such as Stratford-on-Avon, Melrose, Kenilworth, Abbotsford, and Loch Lomond. In addition there will be a three days' coaching trip through North Wales, three days more in the lake district, and nearly a week in the Scottish Highlands. The party is also scheduled to visit several Cathedral towns on the east coast of England and will then cross the Channel for a trip through the British battlefields in Flanders, with brief stays in Brussels, Antwerp and Paris before embarking at Cherbourg for the return voyage.

The French trip, organized by the Federation de l'Alliance Francaise, includes every aspect of the country. Bordeaux, Marseilles and Lyons, as representatives of the commercial and industrial life of the nation, along with the University towns of Toulouse, Grenoble, and Strasbourg, the medieval chateaux of the Loire, and the cathedral towns of Rheims, Amiens, Rouen, and Chartres, will form a prominent part of the schedule. Before the return trip to Cherbourg the party will visit the Pyrenees, the French Alps, the Riviera, the redeemed provinces of Alsace-Lorraine and the north coast of Brittany, including Paris and the battle-fields of the Great War.

One Tour to Visit Italy

The Greek cities of ancient and modern Italy, Rome, Milan, Genoa, Naples, and Pompeii will be among the principal places of interest included in the Italian Tour, under the auspices of the Italy America Society. A three-day sojourn through the Italian Lakes and over the battle-fields in the Dolomites will be followed by stops at Florence, Pisa, Padna, and Venice. A feature of this trip will be a visit at Oberammergau to witness the production of the renowned "Passion Play."

The trip to Scandinavian countries is to include visits at the three capital cities of Copenhagen, Christiania, Stockholm, short tour through the principal northern universities, and stops at other towns of great historical interest or present commercial importance. It will take a ten-day trip through the Norse fjords, and the prty is scheduled to cross the Baltic on the return journey with stays in Berlin, Cologne, and Paris.

All members of the Students' Tours will sail from New York on the S. S. "Saxonia" on July 1, 1922, arriving again in American on September 1. Membership in each of the tours is $675, and complete information will be mailed on request from Mr. Irwin Smith, Director, International Student Tours, 30 East 42 St., New York City.

As a result of the second cut in the Princeton Baseball squad, made Saturday by Coach Clarke, 41 men have been retained. Outdoor practice for the Tigers will start this week, weather permitting.
