

Runners From Three Dormitories to Compete at 4 o'Clock This Afternoon at Soldiers' Filed

The Freshman Interdormitory track meet will be held at Soldiers Field this afternoon. The first event will be run off at 4 o'clock. It is essential that all men report promptly as the meet cannot be started until this late hour.

Only these men who have signed in the blue-books which have been posted in the Locker Building or in the Freshman Dormitories will be allowed to compete. All men not living in the dormitories, should find out from Coach Bingham or the managers what hall they will represent.

The events and the times are as follows: 4 o'clock 40-yard dash; 4.10, 1000-yard run; 4.15, 300-yard run; t.20, 45-yard low hurdles; 4.25, 600-yard run; 4.30, relay race; 5 o'clock, field events in the cage.
