

Fickleness in Texts

A certain number of professors here-abouts have a most curious and annoying habit of changing their text books nearly every semester, even when the courses offered remain essentially unaltered from year to year. This tendency is particularly noticeable in courses where the text book has been prepared by the professor himself, though it is by no means confined solely to them.

The apology offered for changing text books is that the course must be kept up to date, but it is doubtful if the excuse is entirely a legitimate one. Naturally, if the work in any department is to assume the most modern aspect, an occasional change in books must be made, but the practice of switching from one text to another can be overworked so easily that it hardly deserves encouragement.

We do not ask that members of the faculty use the same old text year after year, whether it suits their purpose or not, for some changes would be decidedly welcome at any time: we merely suggest that they would be doing us a distinct favor if they would endeavor to avoid undue fickleness in their choice of books for class work. --Michigan Daily
