

Will Begin at 9.15 o'Clock Unless Listed for 2 o'Clock--Students Must Be in Examination Room 5 Minutes After Hour Appointed

Mid-year examinations will be held today and tomorrow in the courses following. All examinations begin at 9.15 o'clock in the morning except those listed for 2 o'clock.

According to regulations, any student who is not in the examination room within five minute after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations.

It has also been ruled that no student shall be permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by the express direction of the instructor, and that no communication shall be allowed between students in the examination room on any subject whatever.

The following examinations are listed for today and tomorrow at 9.15 o'clock, unless otherwise noted, in the following places: Today Botany 3  Bot. Mus. 13b Chemistry 5 Allen to Mendum (inclusive)  Sever 17 Michelman to Whitehorn (inclusive)  Sever 18 Comp. Literature 30  Emerson D Economics 2a  Emerson J Economics 37  Harvard 6 Education Aa  Sever 13 Engineering Sciences 5 Adelman to Butchinson (inclusive)  Pierce 302 Jaffar to Wintringham (inclusive)  Pierce 307 English 39  Sever 35 Fine Arts 2c  Fogg Mus. Fine Arts 2f  Robinson Fine Arts 5c  Fogg Mus. Geology 6  Harvard 6

German 1c  Sever 29German 4  Sever 29Government 1:Mr. Furber's sects. F1, F2, F3, F4  New Lect. HallMr. Shoup's sects. S1, S2, S3, S4  New Lect. HallMr. Wells's sects. W1, W2, W3, W4  Zool. Lect. rm.Mr. Whitmore's sects. B1, B2, B3, B4  New Lect HallGovernment 7a  Harvard 6Greek 8  Sever 30History A2 (Andover)  Andover Lib.History 11  Harvard 5History 36  Harvard 5History 51  Harvard 5Mathematics E  Sever 24Mathematics 1  Sever 36Mathematics 3  Sever 36Music 1a  Sever 30Philosophy 1  Emerson DPhilosophy 5  Emerson DPhysics 4a  Harvard 2Romance Philol. 5 hf.  Emerson JSlavic 1a  Sever 18Spanish 2  Sever 302 P. M.English 7aBailey to Kleberg (inclusive)  Emerson ALieberthal to Woodworth (inclusive)  Emerson FEnglish 41Abbott to Howe (inclusive)  New Lecture HallHuddleston to Murray (inclusive)  Emerson DMyer to Rubin (inclusive)  Emerson JRudofsky to Swift (inclusive)  Harvard 5Taber to Zutt (inclusive)  Harvard 6Engineering SchoolEngineering 51  (Same as Engineering Sciences 5)Engineering 221  (Same as Physics 4a)TomorrowBotany 10  Gray HerbCeltic 3  Emerson JChemistry 9  Emerson DEconomics 15  New Lact. HallFine Arts 18  Fogg Lect. rm.French 22  Emerson DGerman A:Prof. Bierwirth's sect. 14  Harvard 3Dr. Bosshard's sects. 4, 6, 10  Harvard 6Mr. Brigg's sects. 1, 17, 22  Harvard 5Dr. Burkhard's sects. 7, 21  New Lect. HallDr. Cawley's sects. 3, 16  Harvard 2Mr. Hackes's sects. 8, 12  Emerson DMr. Halley's sects. 18, 20, 26  Emerson JDr. Herrick's sects. 5, 15, 23  New Lect. HallMr. Krumpelmann's sect. 9  Emerson AMr. Krumpelmann's sect. 13  Emerson FMr. Miller's sects. 24, 25  Emerson DDr. Starck's sects. 2, 11, 19  New Lect. HallIndic Philology 2  Widener ASemitic 15  Sem. Mus. 3Zoology 14b  New Lect. Hall2 P. M.French A  Emerson DFrench 24  Emerson DGerman 18  Emerson DEngineering SchoolMetallurgy 6  Emerson
