

Student Council Also Selects Committee on Freshman Affairs -- Russell Robb Jr. '23 and R. R. Higgins '22 Made Chairmen

The Senior Dormitory Committee, which has complete charge of allotment of rooms in the Yard for next year, has been announced by the Student Council. This committee, composed of members of the Junior Class, will later announce the rules governing applications for rooms in the Yard Dormitories, and will allot them later in the year.

The following members of 1923 compose the committee: Russell Robb Jr., of Concord, Chairman; Robert Fiske Bradford, of Boston; Bernard Sheridan Cogan, of Stoneham; Charles Kimball Cummings Jr., of Boston; Duncan Dunscombe, of New York, N. Y.; Cornelius Hawkins Hawes, of Fall River; Charles Carroll Lee, of New York, N. Y.; Herbert Lee Pratt Jr., of Glen Cove, L. I., N. Y.; Lawrence Wilkinson Rathbun, of Woonsocket, R. I.; Owen Jones Wister, of Philadelphia, Pa.

The Committee on Freshman Affairs was appointed by the Student Council at the same time. This committee, which will have full charge of 1925 nominations and elections, is composed of the following men: Richard Robertson Higgins '22, of Winchester, Chairman; Morris Duane '23, of Philadelphia, Pa.; John Gardiner Flint '23, of Boston; Raoul Pantaleoni '24, of St. Louis, Mo.; Arthur Dorman Welton Jr. '22, of Chicago, Ill.
