

Academy Defeated 1924 Yearlings, 4-2--Captain Martin of Schoolboys Brilliant Stick-Handler--Cantillon of Freshmen Strong at Goal

HARVARD  EXETER Burgess, r.w.  l.w., Pitman Beals, c.  c., Hardy Austin, l.w.  r.w., James Hodder, r.d.  l.d., Cody Hammond, l.d.  r.d., Martin Cantillon, g.  g., Adams

Weather permitting, the Freshman hockey team will play one of its hardest games this afternoon when it faces the Exeter combination on the Charles-bank Rinks. Last year the Exonians defeated the Crimson yearlings by the score of 4-2 after a taxing scrimmage featured by a steady schoolboy attack and occasional flashes of individual brilliancy. Captain Martin, who is again leading the Red and Gray, was the sole 1 corer and displayed speed and stick ability which the Crimson defence was unable to curb. Cantillon, who was then guarding the Exeter net vied with Captain Martin for the honors, for he was mainly responsible for minimizing the Crimson score.

Cantillon's shift to the Crimson net leaves a unique situation, Captain Martin will probably be as aggressive as ever, but he will not have the protection at the cage to which he has been accustomed for the last two years. The results of the contest will depend upon the team-work that the Exonians exhibit. Her scoring abilities are well-demonstrated by the 25-0 score against Stone School, while remarkable endurance was demonstrated in the four five-minute overtime periods that were played in a futile effort to break a 3-3 tie with Melrose.

The yearlings seem to be highly perfected in regard to team-work, while they, too, are developing some excellent individual work in that of Beals and Hodder. In their last scrimmage with the University on Thursday the Freshmen presented a formidable obstacle to the first-string skaters and at times were a serious threat, so that they should be well fitted to withstand the Exeter pressure.

The visiting squad of 12 men will arrive at 10.30 at the North Station and will lunch at the training tables in Smith Halls.
