To the Editor of the CRIMSON:
Every year the Senior officers send out questionnaires to ascertain, among other things, the opinions of the members of the graduating class in regard to the courses they have taken, education and college affairs in general. The idea of collecting this information is a good one, so far as it goes, but at present it is quite futile. They opinions expressed are carefully tabulated by the class secretary and then tucked away somewhere in the recesses of Widener, to gather dust with other neglected documents.
The chief fault of Harvard education is that it is not critical enough of itself. To assume perfection is to deny the possibility of growth. Stagnation can be avoided only by a willingness to innovate. There is a well-defined feeling among a good many faculty members and students that the next steps which should be taken at Harvard are modification of the lecture and examination systems and further development of the tutorial system. The chief obstacles to these reforms are opposition among the alumni and lack of financial resources.
Much could be done by the Class of 1922 to overcome these obstacles to educational progress at Harvard. May 1 offer these concrete suggestions?
1. Let the CRIMSON, encourage further discussion of this subject in its columns, particularly on the part of Seniors, though not necessarily confined to them.
2. After Mid-Years, let the Senior class hold a meeting to discuss possible educational changes at Harvard. Members of the faculty would gladly be present to take part in the discussion. It will probably be found that there is substantial agreement on a few important points. The ways and means of disseminating these ideas among the alumni and eventually introducing them in the University could then be determined incidentally, nothing welds men together more closely than does a common purpose. Should the Seniors runback upon such an undertaking, their class loyalty would be re-enforced by interest in an idea. RONERT WORMSER '22, February 1, 1922.
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