A general conference on the Towner-Sterling Bill, which provides for a Federal system of education, will be held in Lawrence Hall. Kirkland street, at 10.30 tomorrow morning. The National Committee for a Department of Education has asked Dean H. W. Holmes '08 of the Graduate School of Education to preside at the meeting which is to be open to the public. The program will include speeches by prominent educators on various phases of the subject concentrating upon the effect the bill will have upon Massachusetts.
The document is the most important measure concerning education that has been before Congress since the Smith Hughes-Bill providing for national aid for vocational education. The Towner Sterling Bill creates a Department of Education, with a Secretary in the President's Cabinet at a salary of $12,000 and transfers to the Department the present Bureau of Education with its equipment and personnel. It directs the department to conduct research in special fields and authorizes appropriation up to $500,000 for its administer. The most important clauses in the bill are those authorizing $15,000,000 for the removal of illucisey and for the propagation of Ameriesnism while $50,000,000 is set aside to level the ap- portunities in public, elementary, and secondary schools. The latter distribution is to be made equally between the children and the teachers the state deciding upon the local distribution, though it is put under certain restrictions by the Federal Government. Another item suggests that $20,000,000 be appropriated for physical education, and instruction in the principles of health and sanitation. The bill was reported favorably by a committee in the 66th Congress, but it was not acted upon. It is again in committee and will probably be put on the floor in the near future. If it is passed it will necessitate a reorganization in the educational system all over the country and will tend to bring districts are below par up to a level with the majority of the schools.
Dr. H. S. Magill, Field Secretary of the National Education Association, will explain the origin, backing, and present status of the bill, while Dr. L. B. Murlin, President of Boston University, will be the principal spokesman under the main topic of the effect in Massachusetts. The program will include talks on "Educational Research and Investigation", "Physical Education", Americanization of Removal of Illiteracy", "Teachers' Salaries", "Training of Teachers" and "Rural Education"
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