

To Discuss Educational Problems at University--Prominent Alumni to be Present--Dr. Edmund Speaks Tonight, President Neilson Tomorrow

This afternoon at 4.30 o'clock the Student Liberal Chib will hold the fourth of its series of afternoon meetings which have been called to discuss problems of education at the University. In this meeting special emphasis will be laid on questions dealing with the further introduction of the tutorial system and the modification of the present method of giving lecturs and examinations. To this meeting members of the Faculty, Alumni and Student Council have been invited. The meeting promises to be one of the best-attended ever held at the Liberal Club.

Acceptances of a postive or tentative nature have been received from the following: Mr. Charles Francis Adams '88, Bishop C. H. Brent, Mr. R. C. Cabot '89, Mr. Louis A. Frothingham '93, Mr. Paul Revere Frothingham '86, Mr. Jerome D. Greene '96, Mr. James Jackson '04, Judge Julian W. Mack '87, Mr. Langdon P. Marvin '98, Mr. George F. Moore, Mr. John Farwell Moors '83, President W. A. Neilson '96 of Smith College, Mr. Thomas N. Perkins '91, Mr. Roger Wolcott '99, and Mr. Arthur Woods '92.

At 6.30 this evening Dr. C. K. Edmund, President of Canton Christian College in China, will address the club on some phase of China's educational problem. In 1903 Dr. Edmund wnet to Christian College as Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering, and since 1907 he has held the office of President. During his 19 years of service Dr. Edmund has gained a wide experience in Chines educational methods.

President W. A. Neilson '96 of Smith College will also be the guest of the Liberal Club tonight and will speak tomorrow at a luncheon given in his honor at one o'clock.

The Liberal Club has decided to reduce the associate membership dues to one dollar in the hope that all members of the University who are interested in current social problems might enjoy the privileges offered by the Club without futher formality.
