

R. N. Williams 2nd '16 Coaching Team in Preparation for Spring Trip--Veterans of Last Year Form Strong Nucleus

Winter practice for the indoor tennis squad began this week at Longwood Covered Courts under the direction of Coach R. N. Williams 2nd '16, chairman of the Graduate Tennis Committee. Every man on the squad will be required to play at least three times a week and any men violating this rule will be considered ineligible for the southern trip during the April recess. Coach Williams is emphasizing the fact that practice should not be carried on in the spirit of competition because it injures the game of the individuals, as the player goes on the court with the sole idea of winning his practice match. For this reason no weight will be given to the results of practice matches, though actual test matches will be held in the first weeks of March in order to determine the line-up of the team that will go south.

Morris Duane '23, captain of the team and winner of the fall University tournament, is by far the strongest player on the team. He led his Freshman team and last year played number two man on the singles team and was a member of the Harvard-Yale team which defeated the Oxford-Cambridge combination last summer. He was ranked fifteenth in the New England Division. With Captain Duane, R. N. Bradley '22, G. C. Guild '23, and C. P. Holmes '22, last year's letter men, will form the nucleus of the team. Of these Bradlee and Holmes are perhaps the most experienced. One of the strongest additions from the 1924 team is K. S. Pfaffman '24, who captained the yearlings and who plays a strong, steady game. C. W. Farnham Jr. '24 and J. D. Farnham '23 are promising members of the winter squad while D. McK. Key '22 has gained a position on it by winning several interclass matches.

As soon as weather permits a call will be issued for further candidates for the University, the second and the Freshman teams, and all the squads will start work in the open courts in preparation for the series of contests to be played on the spring trip.

Subject to the approval of the Athletic Committee the first of these matches is scheduled with the Agawam Hunt Club at Providence, R. I.. This should be one of the best contests of the season as W. T. Tilden 2nd, the world's champion, will be one of the Crimson's opponents. On Monday, April 17, the team will go to Richmond, Va., to play the Richmond Country Club, and will follow this with a match with the Norfolk Country Club the next day. After a day of rest they will go to Washington to meet the Chevy Chase Country Club and from there they will go to Baltimore to face the Baltimore Country Club. The final match of the spring trip will be a stiff contest at Annapolis with the midshipmen on Saturday, April 22, after which the team will return to Cambridge. Last year the team was very successful in every respect as it gave way but to one team on its southern trip, and that was a Providence combination that included Tilden and J. D. C. Jones, the National Junior Champion. Norfolk and Chevy Chase were both close matches and the Crimson was barely able to nose out a 4-3 victory in both the contests.

Though the entire spring schedule has not been made out for the period after the spring recess it is fairly certain that it will include at least 15 matches. Dartmouth, Princeton and Yale will certainly be included and it is probable that many others of the University opponents of last year will be met again.
