The trials for the Freshman Instrumental Clubs, which were scheduled to take place last evening, were postponed owing to the Jubilee mass meeting. They will come at 7 o'clock next Tuesday at the Music Building. All men who play the mandolin, tenor banjo, guitar, saxophone, piano, traps, violin, or allied instruments are urged to report. Leaders will be picked from those who are retained. Men interested in trying out for the position of manager should attend this meeting. Any Freshmen who have worked up specialty numbers for either individuals or groups are requested to report such information to the University manager who will have charge of the trials on Tuesday.
The schedule for the Instrumental Clubs has not been definitely arranged, but will include several concerts in or around Greater Boston. The clubs will also play at the Freshman Jubilee on May 30. Mr. W. M. Rice, coach of the University Clubs, will direct the work of the Freshmen as well. Men desiring any further information can obtain it at the trials.
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