In the best race of the afternoon, J. W. Burke '23 was defeated by a margin of barely two yards in the "Colonel Gaston 600-yard Special" at the American Legion games in the east Armory, Boston, yesterday, by Captain Driscoll of Boston College, who obtained permanent possession of the cup by this third consecutive win. Driscoll had the pole at the start of the race, and Burke was lined up on the outside. This slight difference was enough to enable the former to lead to the first corner, and he was never headed, although Burke was running neck and neck with him most of the time. The winner's time was 1 minute 17 1-5 seconds. Sidney Loslie of the New York A. C. took third place several yards behind Burke.
The only other University runner to place in the meet was J. A. McCarthy '22, who crossed the finish line in second place in the handicap half mile. McCarthy, who had a handicap of only ten yards had to pass nearly the whole field. He was closing in fast on the winner. D. A. Akin of Boston University, who had a 30-yard handicap when the race ended. B. R. Cutcheon '25, who had an 18-yard handicap came in fifth.
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