

Dr. Richard C. Cabot '89 and Dean P. P. Chase '00 Will Address Freshmen--1925 Committee to be Appointed Later--Event to Take Place May 30

Dr. Richard C. Cabot '89 and Dean P. P. Chase '00 will address the Freshman class at a meeting on Thursday, February 23, in Smith Halls Common Room to discuss arrangements for the annual Freshman Jubilee.

R. P. Bullard '24, chairman of last year's, Freshman Jubilee Committee, will say a few words on the organization of the singing, which forms the most important part of the program.

Dr. A. T. Davidson Jr. '06, director of the University Glee Club, who is in general charge of the musical work, and A. W. Wright 3M., leading the 1925 Glee Club and Interdormitory choruses, will explain the details of the preparations. Later in the season the class officers will appoint a Jubilee Committee to assist in the arrangements.

The advantages of Memorial Day, a University holiday, as a date for the Jubilee were recognized after last year's celebration, and accordingly the directors have set Tuesday, May 30, as a tentative choice.

Work is being started early this year to allow ample practicing time for the Freshman Glee Club, and the three dormitory choruses.


According to the usual custom a silver loving cup will go to the dormitory which, according to the decision of three judges selected for the occasion best renders the selections of college and prize songs. Last year the cup was won by Gore Hall.

After the singing competition will come the usual Jubilee dinner followed by dancing in the Smith Halls Common Room.

It is important that all members of the Freshman class should attend this meeting so that Glee Club and dormitory practice may proceed as soon as possible.
