

This evening at 7 o'clock, competitions for the news and business departments of the Crimson, open respectively to members of the Sophomore and Freshman classes, will start with meetings at the Crimson Building.

The 1924 news competition will last 12 weeks, the work consisting in gathering the news of the University and in securing special articles and interviews from prominent men on subjects of interest to undergraduates. Details concerning the routine of the work will be explained this evening at the meeting, which will be held in the News Office. Men elected to the board are eligible to the positions of Managing Editor and President.

The first business competition open to the class of 1925 will also last 12 weeks. Members of the department will explain to the candidates the work required of them, which will be to secure advertisements and to become acquainted with the main advertisers of Boston and New York, as well as with the business administration of the Crimson. Candidates will be valued according to the advertising they secure and their general business efficiency and initiative. Men elected are eligible to the positions of Assistant Business Manager in their Junior and Business Manager in their Senior year.
