A new type of examination for college students which "affords no chance for the bluffer to exercise his arts and removes the examination from the category of sporting propositions", is being tried out at Columbia University. Instead of asking a few questions on the high spots of the course and encouraging lengthy answers, the new examination consists of a large number of statements concerning matters previously gone over, some of which are true, and others false. The student is asked to place a plus sign next to those he considers true, and a minus mark beside the false. This takes up two-thirds of the examination, and the old fashioned test occupies the remainder.
Dean Hawkes said today the tests have made for more accurate grading and that the students consider the new system fairer and more satisfactory than the old essay type. "The clever student whose verbose knowledge of a few topics can be stretched to appear to advantage, whatever question may be asked, is left stranded", he said. "With the new examinations he is shooting with a rifle instead of a shotgun". "The Purdue Exponent"
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