As a result of the elimination matches held yesterday afternoon for the yearling wrestling squad a team was picked consisting of six men who will represent as many classes in the meet with Andover on Saturday. This team was chosen before the last match, but in accordance with the system inaugurated by Coach Jedlinski, any member is subject to challenge by any other member rated lower on the squad. The first challenge round, however, has left the composition of the team unchanged, and the men who will compete against Andover on Saturday are at follows:
115-pound class: F. N. Millette; 125-pound: P. R. Crowley; 135-pound: C. Van B. Cushman; 145-pound: J. G. Murphy; 158-pound: E. G. Lowry; 175-pound: E. H. Bates.
This afternoon in the Hemenway Gymnasium elimination matches will be held to determine the personnel of the University team that will meet Springfield on Saturday.
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