All box applications for the Junior Dance, as previously announced, should be in the mails before midnight tonight in order to assure their acceptance by the Box Chairman of the 1923 Dance Committee. Such applications must be typewritten and contain the names of the members of the class in alphabetical order on the right-hand side of the paper, with those of their respective guests opposite. The name of the chairman of each box group must appear at the head of their applications.
It was further announced by the Committee last night that the names of box chairmen whose boxes lack the required number of couples will be printed in the CRIMSON, as provision cannot be made for men without partners until all couples are arranged for. Any persons who have previously been unable to secure places in a box may then arrange with these chairmen before it is necessary for the Committee to take assignatory action. Box applications are numbered as received up to the total that can be assigned, and the positions of the boxes will then be chosen by lot from this total.
Designs for the cover of the dance program which are to be considered in the competition ending today, must be left at 30 Claverly Hall some time before night.
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