The University Glee Club will give one of its most important performances this evening in conjunction with Miss Frieda Hempel, soprano soloist, at Symphony Hall at 8.15 o'clock. This is the second year that Miss Hempel has assisted the Glee Club at the annual symphony concert, and tonight will be her first appearance in the United States since her very recent concert series at Havana, Cuba. Last summer she made a tour of Europe, singing in Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Milan, and numerous other places.
Besides the assistance of Miss Hempel the program will include other novel and special numbers of unusual interest. "O Gladsome Light" which was recently composed especially for the Club, will have its first presentation at the concert this evening, while another attractive feature," Choeur des Chameliers," will be sung for the first time. These pieces, with Miss Hempel's selection, "Far O'er the Bay", in which she will be assisted by the Glee Club, will be the principal numbers on the program. A few tickets for the performance are on hand and may be secured at the box office of Symphony Hall. The Complete program follows:
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