

Piles Up 51-13 Score Against Tabor Academy Basketball Team--Team-Work Lacking on Both Sides.

Piling up a 51-13 score the Freshman basketball team easily defeated the light and inexperienced Tabor Academy quintet on Saturday afternoon at the Freshman Athletic Building. The schoolboys were handicapped by the absence of three of their strongest players so the disorganized five proved to be no match for the yearlings.

The 1925 quintet opened the game with a ragged attack which was able to take the schoolboys off their feet, but which was not up to standard in regard to team-play. Only occasionally did the team come up to its usual from in this respect as individual shots were sufficient to keep a steady lead on the lighter team, which was fighting desperately to stage a come-back.

Washburne and Luce were the outstanding players on the Tabor quintet and more than once broke up the Crimson advances, but their skill was unable to check the points the heavier team was rolling up. King was the heaviest scorer for the yearlings, playing a steady, accurate game throughout the contest.
