

Various Changes in Schedule, Omission of Courses, and New Meeting-Places Given Out by College Office

The College Office has made the following announcement in regard to changes in courses:

Mathematics 18, announced for Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 11 o'clock, will be given by Dr. Hille at 2.30 o'clock instead in Sever 20.

Philosophy 12c, announced for Monday and Wednesday at 2.30 o'clock, and a third hour at the pleasure of the instructor, will be given by Professor Woods at 9 o'clock.

Philosophy, 14a; announced for Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9 o'clock, will instead be given by Dr. Demos at 12 o'clock.

The following second half-year courses have been omitted:


Fine Arts 8a., Theory of Design.

History 8. History of France to 1461.

History 22. The Elements of Latin Paleography.

The following changes in rooms of whole courses for the second half-year have been made:

French 2, Mr. Gilligan's section, will meet in Sever 1 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10 o'clock instead of in Harvard 3.

German A, Mr. Krumpelmann's section 9, will meet in Emerson F, instead of Emerson J.

Mathematics A, Mr. Levy's section, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 10, will meet in Pierce 211 instead of Pierce 214.
