The Harvard Club of Boston has announced a series of five lectures on various subjects to be given at the Harvard Club throughout the month of February.
The first of the series will be held tonight at 8.30 o'clock when Mr. W. P. Eaton '00 will talk on "The Theatre and the Colleges". Mr. Eaton was once a dramatic critic of the New York Sun and is now a journalist and author, and an instructor in journalism at Columbia University. Another entertainment, will be held on Friday and will consist of a lecture on "Pending Tariff Legislation", by Professor F. W. Taussig '79. On Wednesday, February 8, Captain E. N. Cooper will speak on "The Yanks in Action". He will outline the story of a division from the time of leaving New York to its entrance into Germany, stressing the comical situations and episodes experienced on route and in action. The talk will be illustrated with slides and motion pictures.
An Organ Recital will fill the next date on Sunday, February 12 at 4 o'clock, while a serious discussion by Mr. F. A. Goodwin on "The Automobilist in Massachusetts" will be held the following Wednesday. The final lecture of the series will be a talk, Friday, February 17, by Professor G. H. Parker on a biological problem, but the month's entertainments will not close until Wednesday, February 22, when a motion picture evening is to be held, with the presentation of an educational film, a comedy, and a drama.
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