

Tops Gore and Smith in Hockey, Indoor Baseball, and Basketball Standing -- Prepare for Squash Round-Robin Tournament

The bronze athletic trophies for the Freshman interdormitory competitions, placed in the Common Rooms of the various halls, have again changed masters. Gore, which captured the autumn championship, has had its named engraved on each of the shields.

The Interdormitory series for winter sports is now well under way, and regular games have been scheduled for the Gore, Smith and Standish teams in four different sports, hockey, indoor baseball, basketball and squash.

Five games have been played to date in the Freshman hockey program. Smith started out with a victory over Standish on January 13 by a score of 3-0, but later lost to both Gore and Standish in quick succession, putting her in a tie with Gore for second place. Standish, although defeated in the first game, pulled up gradually and by virtue of her recent victories over Smith and Standish is now in the lead with an average of 750. Practice for the men who compose these teams is being held regularly three times a week, two of which days are devoted to the interdormitory games.

The indoor baseball series has gained a decided advantage over the other sports in number of games played. So far 11 contests have been held, with Standish the prevailing favorite throughout. Smith has taken a decided drop in this branch, having lost nine out of 11 games played.

So popular has basketball proved this winter that it was found necessary to split the squad of 50 players into two divisions. This system has proved very satisfactory, the two tournaments working entirely independent of each other and credit towards the shield being counted for both teams. In section one Standish, by scoring two straight wins over her rivals, has clinched the title for first place to date, Smith and Gore following in the order named. The delegation from Gore, although at the bottom of the first division, holds top place in section two with a perfect record, Standish and Smith following in order.


Although the three squash teams have not yet been definitely chosen, a tentative group of players from each dormitory has been drawn up, and will commence regular matches after mid-years. Till the end of the examination period any Freshman may challenge any member of his dormitory team, three games out of five-being necessary to give him a place on the squad. The following is the present representation from each hall:

Gore Hall.--J. J. Glesner, J. P. Duncan, G. P. Ludiam, W. P. Beal, F. W. Lafarge.

Smith Hall.--E. M. Upjohn, R. K. Hamlen, J. T. Kerr, F. C. Carpenter, S. G. French.

Standish Hall.--W. P. Dixon, A. L. Smith, L. W. Mott, A. S. Pinkham, F. P. Duane.

These men, unless displaced by virtue of a successful challenge, will represent the dormitories in the Round Robin Tournament after mid-years.

The standing till the mid-year period:

HOCKEYWon  Lost  Pct.Standish  3  1  .750Gore  1  2  .333Smith  1  2  .333INDOOR BASEBALLWon  Lost  Pct.Standish  8  3  .729Gore  6  4  .600Smith  2  9  .182BASKETBALL--SECTION IWon  Lost  Pct.Standish  2  0  1.000Smith  1  1  .500Gore  0  2  .000BASKETBALL--SECTION IIWon  Lost  Pct.Gore  2  0  1.000Standish  1  1  .500Smith  0  2  .00
