When the Crimson relay team lines up against the Yale quartet for the final event of the B. A. A. games on Saturday night, they will provide a fitting climax for what will probably be the best indoor track carnival ever held in New England, if the number of star runners entered has any significance.
Yale will have practically the same team as they had last year, when Campbell lead Captain D. F. O'Connell Jr. '21 of the Crimson relay team across the finish by a wide margin. Campbell, Hillis, Douglass and Vander Pyl, which is the probable make-up of the Eli quartet, with Campbell running at anchor, make up a team which should be hard to beat. But the University relay, with J. W. Burke '23 in the anchor position, and J. E. Merrill '24, W. F. Eaton '22, and J. A. McCarthy '22 as the other three probable members, should give them a hand fight all the way, and there is a good chance that Burke will load Campbell across the line, retrieving last year's defeat.
Burke Was Ineligible
Last year Burke was ineligible to compete in outside meets, but his records in interclass meets during the spring, and his previous performances at Notre Dame and at Wakefield High, show that he can be depended upon to push Campbell to the limit. McCarthy is the veteran of the quartet, having run against Yale last year and the year before on the relay team. Last year he was in a slump at the time of the annual race, but time trials held recently indicate that he is now in excellent form. Eaton is a runner who has improved consistently since he first took up the track game in his Freshman year, and he is now one of the most dependable men on the middle distance squad; Merrill, who was captain of last year's Freshman team, was the mainstay of the yearling quartet, and should add a good bit of strength to the Crimson relay team.
The University also has two other teams entered in the meet, as well as numerous individual entries in the open events. A one-mile relay team, probably composed of Richard Chute '22, W. C. Bennett '23, J. E. Kennedy '23, and J. W. Quinn '23, with H. W. Howe '24 as alternate, will meet a similar team from M. I. T., while the Freshman relay team, which will be picked by Coach Bingham after tomorrow's practice, will run the Yale 1925 quartet.
Of the 16 other team races arranged for the relay program, that between Andover and Exeter is sure to arouse a great deal of interest at the University. This race last year between these two schoolboy rivals was one of the most thrilling of the meet, the lead alternating between the red and the blue every few yards. Exeter has the advantage in number of wins in recent years, but indications are that Andover has a slight edge, and may be able to turn the tide of victory.
Crimson Tinge in Several Races
There will be a crimson tinge in several of the races Saturday, for a number of former University runners are entered in the various events. E. O. Gourdin '21, holder of the world's record for the broad-jump, is entered in the 50-yard dash for the Major Briggs cup; W. A. Means '18 will probably compete in the hurdle races, under the B. A. A. colors; R. W. Harwood '20 is entered in the pole-vault, where he will meet Gardner, present captain of the Yale track team; and H. R. Hardwick '18 is also entered in the dash.
Of the other races, the two invitation events, the Hunter mile and the Gardner B. Williams three-mile race are the ones of greatest interest. In the Hunter mile, Cutbill of the B. A. A. will defend the cup, which he won last year, against a fast field, which includes Shields, the Penn State runner; who has returned to college this year to complete his course; Ray, of the Illinois A. C., who has held the cup for several years, and who defeated Cutbill at the American Legion games in Boston last February; Connolly, the Georgetown track captain, who won the intercollegiate mile last spring in the Stadium in nearly record time; and Devaney of the New York A. C., who won the race in 1915 and 1917, and took second place in 1920.
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Ragged Practice by University Team