

Gore Outscores Smith and Standish 45 to 28 and 26 Respectively--Secures Most Points by Success in Cross Country, Football and Crew

As a result of the interdormitory competition this fall, Gore Hall has won the autumn Freshman interdormitory athletic championship, and so will again have its name carved on the permanent shields in the three main Freshman Common Rooms. The winning hall secured 45 points, as against 28 for Smith and 26 for Standish.

The competition is run on a point basis, five points being given for first place in any event, three points for second place, and one for third.

Gore Hall won the cross-country run and the football series, while five of her six crews were victorious. The other crew scored three points, defeating Smith but being beaten by Standish.

In the fall tennis tournament, Smith Halls took the lead, with Gore second, and Standish last. Smith also won the handball tournament, Standish being the runner-up.

The rest of the points were awarded on the basis of the number of men in each dormitory who won numerals on any of the regular Freshman teams. In this class Smith, was an easy winner, far outclassing Gore and Standish respectively.


The point standing of the three dormitories was divided as follows: Sport  Gore  Standish  Smith Rowing,  28  15  11 Cross Country,  5  3  1 Tennis,  3  1  5 Football,  5  3  1 Handball,  1  3  5 Numeral Men,  3  1  5 Totals,  45  26  28
