

Mr. Colpitts to Discuss Communication research Next Thursday--Will be Open to Members of University

Mr. E. H. Colpitts '96, A. M. '97, assistant Chief Engineer of the Western Electric Company, will address the Engineering Society on Thursday, December 14, at 8 o'clock, in Pierce Hall, Rom 10. He will speak on "Communication Research and Some of Its Developments". Moving pictures will be shown, and special electrical equipment will be installed for purposes of demonstration. The lecture will be open to all members of the University.

Mr. Colpitts has done extensive research work, and during the war was in complete charge of the research department of the Western Electric Company. He is now Directing the company's development activities.

The Boston section of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, and the Affiliated Technical Societies of Boston, have accepted invitations to attend. Those representatives of the Western Electric Company and of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company who are now in Boston or its vicinity, will also be present. The Crupt high tension laboratories and the electrical laboratories in Pierce will be open after the lecture for inspection by the guests.
