The National Muncipal League has announced that essays competing for the William H. Baldwin Prize for 1923 must be written on one of the following subjects connected with municipal government:
1. City Managership as a Profession.
2. The Non-Partisan Movement in American Cities.
3. The Functions of Municipal Bureaus of Information, Complaint, and Legal Aid. A prize of $100 will be awarded the author of the best essay.
The League has also announced that the following rules will govern the competition:
"The competition is open to undergraduate students registered in any college or university in the United States offering direct instruction in municipal government.
"Essays must not exceed 10,000 words, and must be typewritten in duplicate. They should contain marginal references to the authorities consulted. Essays must be mailed in duplicate or delivered to an express company, not later than April 15, 1923.
"Manuscripts should be addressed to Mr. H. W. Dodds, Secretary of the National Municipal League, 261 Broadway, New York City, and marked "for the Baldwin Prize". The name of a competitor should not appear on the essay, but a fictitious name, or some other designation, should be given instead. The author's true name of the competitor, together with his college and home address, must be enclosed in a sealed envelop" accompanying the essay.
"No essay which has already been published will be considered as eligible for the prize.
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