

New Coach Promises to Follow Out Bingham's Work--Give Silver Cup to Retiring Coach at Varsity Club Meeting

Nearly 100 track men crowded the Varsity Club last night to hear Mr. W. J. Bingham '16 make his last speech as head track coach. Mr. Bingham was given a silver cup presented by the track men of the University as a token of esteem for his work during the past few years.

Mr. W. A. Barron '14, chairman of the Track Advisory Committee presided and besides Mr. Bingham five men spoke: C. W. Martin, the new head coach of track; J. W. Burke '23, captain of track; J. F. Brown '22, last year's captain; E. L. Farrell, assistant track coach, and F. W. Moore '83, Graduate Treasurer of the H. A. A.

Mr. Barron introduced the departing coach declaring that, "No other man associated with the University has done more for it than Bill Bingham".

Mr. Bingham, speaking in reply said: "I will never say goodbye to the Harvard track team. I feel towards it as I want every member to feel--that it deserves every ounce of support that it can be given.

"In the last two years we have learned many things--first and foremost that in order to assure the success of a track team it is necessary to develop not stars but a large body of runners, taking men who perhaps have never run before and, overcoming their initial discouragements, bring before them the motto of the Harvard track team--Progress. You fellows have got the spirit that can't be beaten; you've got good material; and you've got a first rate coach. I am looking forward to a winning team this year".


Mr. Martin, the next speaker, said that it would be his policy to develop teams not stars and to follow the system laid down by the past authorities.

Captain Burke said: "Our best friend is going, but he is leaving behind a team imbued with the spirit that he has instilled". In a short speech Coach Farrell declared: "All I can say about Bill Bingham is that he is a man, and if Bill Martin can measure up to his standard the track team is indeed fortunate."

Following the speeches moving pictures of last year's meet with Yale were shown and refreshments were served.
