

Prepared at Milton Academy-Fifteen "H" Players Returning to College Next Fall

Charles Joseph Hubbard Jr. 3E. S., of Cambridge, guard on the University eleven for the past two years, was unanimously elected football captain for next fall at a meeting of the leter men yesterday afternoon.

Hubbard prepared for College at Milton Academy, where he played for two years at guard and tackle. Entering the University in the fall of 1920, he immediately gained a berth as tackle on the 1924 Freshman eleven.

Last fall Hubbard played at guard on the University team, taking part in almost all of the games and winning his letter in the Yale contest in the Stadium. Teamed with J. F. Brown '22 on the other side of center, this pair made up one of the strongest guard combinations, both offensively and defensively, in the country.

Hubbard returned to his position this fall, playing in every game and displaying in every game and displaying a brand of football that caused him to be ranked high among the guards in the East.

Besides playing football, Hubbard has been active in crew as well, rowing on the University eight in all of its races last spring, and holding down a position on the Freshman crew the year before.


With 15 letter men returning next fall, Coach Fisher will have a large nucleus of veterans on which to build his team. Philip Spalding '25 and J. J. Lee '24 will be available for quarter- back, with J. W. Hammond '25, E. L. Gehrke '24, and K. S. Pfaffman '24 for the backfield. The "H" ends will be Percy Jenkins '24, K. N. Hill '24, Lewis Gordon '24 and D. S. Holder '24, while for tackle there will be C. A. C. Eastman '24, H. T. Dunker '25, and M. W. Greenough '25. For guards Coach Fisher will have as veterans Captain Hubbard and H. S. Grew '24. F. K. Kernan Jr. '24 will be the only letter man available for center.

In addition to these men, a quantity of excellent substitute material will be available, together with promising men from the second and Freshman teams
