

Nominations for Secretary and Class Committees Are to be Announced Tomorrow

In the election for the Senior class offices which was held yesterday George Owen Jr. of Newton was chosen First Marshal, Charles Chauncey Buell of Hartford, Conn., Second Marshal, and Vinton Chapin of Boston, Third Marshal. A total of 388 Seniors went to the polls, an increase of 102 over the number who voted last year.

The complete list of men elected is as follows:

First Marshal--George Owen Jr. of Newton.

Second Marshal--Charles Chauncey Buell of Hartford, Conn.

Third Marshal--Vinton Chapin of Boston.


Treasurer--Sheridan Logan of St. Joseph, Mo.

Ivy Orator--Bernard Sheridan Cogan of Stoneham.

Orator--Robert Fiske Bradford of Boston.

Poet--Marshall Ayres Best of Evanston, Ill.

Chorister--Charles Dwinell Whidden of Cambridge.

Odist--Marion Wesley Self of Abilede Texas.

After the counting yesterday evening, the Nominating Committee turned the ballots over to the Executive Committee of the Student Council for safe keeping.

The Nominating Committee announced last night that the nominations for Secretary and the various class committees would be made public tomorrow.

The distribution of votes was as follows: Marshal   First  Total   Marshal  Votes George Owen Jr.  148  337 C. C. Buell  126  347 Vinton Chapin  86  256 B. DeL. Nash  9  88 J. G. Flint  12  76 A. H. Ladd Jr.  3  48 Ballots cast out  4  12 Total  388  1164

TreasurerSheridan Logan  275E. S. Webster  110Ballots cast out  3Total  388Ivy OratorB. S. Cogan  206J. M. Brown  127C. B. Monro  48Ballots cast out  7Total  388OratorR. F. Bradford  261R. E. Anderson  118Ballots cast out  9Total  388PoetM. A. Best  243R. C. Rogers  137Ballots cast out  8Total  388OdistM. W. Self  259Theodore Morrison  122Ballots cast out  7Total  388ChoristerC. D. Whidden  288D. F. Thayer  155Ballots cast out  5Total  38
