The University Glee Club, with Mme, Louise Homer as assisting artist, will give the first of a series of three concerts in Symphony Hall, Boston, at 8.15 tonight under the direction of Dr. A. T. Davison '06. Over one hundred members of the Glee Club will sing in this concert. A few good seats are still on sale at the box office for $2.50, $2.00, $1.50, $1.00.
The program for this evening's concert is as follows: I. Crucifixus Bach We Praise Thee Schvedov Tenebrae Factae Sunt Palestrina The Harvard Glee Club II. Invocazione di Orfeo Jacopo Peri Cavatina: "Vieni che poi sereno," from "Semiramide" Gluck The Mermaid's Song Haydn Mit deinen blauen Augen Strauss Elfenlied Wolf Bei dir sind meine Gedanken Brahms O liebliche Wangen Brahms Mme. Homer III. Fire, Fire, My Heart Morley Rhapsody Brahms (Contralto solo by Mme. Homer) Russian Folk Songs. Song of the Lifeboat Men Fireflies At Father's Door Drake's Drum Coleridge Taylor The Harvard Glee Club IV. How's My Boy Sidney Homer From the Brake the Nightingale Sidney Homer Pioggia Respighi Tramontarano la luna e le Plejadi Benvenuti As Ever I Saw Warlock Dedication Warlock Mme. Homer V. Echo Sullivan Noon Quiet in the Alps Bossi Hallelujah Chorus, from the "Mount of Olives" Beethoven The Harvard Glee Club
A total of 339.816 persons paid admission to see the University football team during the season Just Past.