

J. Walter Thompson Co. Donors-Subject, "Consumers" Purchasing Power"

Three prizes of $1500, $800, and $500 have been offered by J. Walter Thompson Company, to any contestants, for the best discussions of the subject, "A Statistical Index of the Purchasing Power of Consumers in the United States".

The essays, which may be of any length are to be submitted to the Chairman of the Board of Judges, Professor R. E. Chaddock, Kent Hall, Columbia University, New York City, not later than September 30, 1923. The Board of Judges having charge of the contest is made up as follows: Professor R. E. Chad dock, Chairman, Professor of Statistics at Columbia University: H. S. Dennison '99, President of the Dennison Manufacturing Company; A. D. Filene, Treasurer of William, Filene's Sons Company; Stanley Resor, President of the J. Walter Thompson Company; and Professor A. A. Young, Professor of Economics, Harvard University.
