The divisions and departments of the University will hold the first of the annual series of University teas in the Living Room of the Union at 4.30 o'clock next Friday, December 8. These teas, which will last until 6 o'clock, will be continued every Friday until the end of January, December 22 and 29 excepted.
It is in order that students may be given an opportunity to meet the members of faculty and their wives in an informal social manner that the University teas are held. The Faculty has been divided into six groups, one of which will be especially invites to each tea. In this way the students can tell approximately who will attend each tea, and can plan to attend on those days when their Faculty acquaintances are expected to be present.
The complete schedule of the teas is as follows:
Friday, December 8
Administrative Officers.
Division of Anthropology.
Department of English.
Division of Music.
Friday, December 15
Engineering School.
Law School.
Division of Mathematics.
Department of Military Science.
Department of Physics.
Friday, January 5
Department of Astronomy.
Division of Classics.
Department of Germanic Languages.
Division of Geology.
Division of Philosophy.
Friday, January 12
Department of Botany.
Graduate School of Education.
Department of Romance Languages.
Friday, January 19
Graduate School of Business Administration.
Division of Chemistry.
Divinity School.
Division of Fine Arts.
Division of Semitic Languages.
Friday, January 25
Department of Economics.
Department of Government.
Department of History.
Department of Zoology.
Visiting Ministers
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