The Rodeo at Madison Square Garden was so successful that Tex Rickard is planning to promote other sports of the great and open West. Having taught New Yorkers how to throw more than one kind of bull, he intends to demonstrate to them the other pastimes that have made the West what it is. A genial Kansan hearing of this, sent in to suggest a good old-fashioned tar and feathering. This, though admittedly excellent fun, was vetoed as being unsportsmanlike. Then a harvesting bee was proposed, but when Tex found out that harvesters were immense machines, he decided that the scheme was impracticable and would have no human interest nor leave any space for spectators.
The whole great project seemed in danger of collapsing until someone hit upon the idea of holding a horseshoe pitching tournament, one for the championship of the world. The fact that there is such a thing as a horseshoe would probably add to the information of most New Yorkers, and then. Tex Rickard has not promoted a real world's championship since the Dempsey-Carpentier fight.
Already two prospective competitors, both from lowa, have come forward to claim the championship belt. It is not enough; Mr. Rickard would have intersectional interest. Accordingly, since the sport has not penetrated into Manhattan itself as yet he has sent scouts to comb upper New York state. From the county fairs are to be expected some likely prospects. The tournament is to be strictly amateur, and an invitation to participate has been sent to President Harding, who has had a fine record in ringing the peg out behind the office of the "Marlou Star." Since Tex himself is an avowed Democrat this is reported either as an indication of a coming party split or as a move for coalition against the farm bloc. It may be that the real motive is gate-receipts.
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