

Undergraduates Concerned Must Choose Between Two Seats Together and One in Cheering Section and One Outside

The H. A. A. announced last night that a complete list of University applications for the Yale game has shown that in order to make the necessary cut of 5400 applicants from three seats to two, it will be necessary not only to cut all such graduate applications, but also about 50 percent of the undergraduate applications.

Return postal cards have been sent to all graduates who have applied for one seat in the cheering section and two elsewhere, giving them their choice of giving up their cheering section seat or one of the other two seats.

There is not time to send out such postals to undergraduates, and this announcement is made to give undergraduates the opportunity to indicate by a postal card or letter to the H. A. A. on or before Saturday, November 11, at the latest, whether they prefer (1) One seat in the cheering section and one elsewhere, or (2) Both seats together not in the cheering section.

The cut will be made by lot, and those drawn to be cut, if they have not been heard from, will be allotted a cheering section seat, and one other elsewhere.

The cut will be made Monday, November 13, and all undergraduates whose applications have been reduced to two will be notified by postal card immediately.
