

Will Discuss Question of College Crew Schedules at Harvard Club of New York--Mr. C. B. Wood '98, Dr. Howe, and S. Logan '23 Represent University

The American Rowing Association will hold a meeting tomorrow afternoon in the Harvard Club of New York at 5 o'clock to which the following colleges are sending delegates: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Pennsylvania, and Syracuse. At this time the question of at arranging a schedule for the colleges concerned will be introduced to secure a well-balanced program for all. Such arrangements have been for some time a feature in other sports such as hockey, and the need has already been felt in crew.

The University will be represented at the meeting by Mr. C. B. Wood '98 of Philadelphia, a steward of the American Rowing Association: Dr. R. H. Howe, Director of Rowing at the University; and Sheridan Logan '23, the present, crew manager. At the, meeting Manager Logan and Mr. Wood will handle the question of the University schedule and Dr. Howe attend to the schedules of all other Harvard crews.
