"I am entirely and unalterably opposed to the Ku Klux Klan", declared Mr. A. A. Murfree, President of the University of Florida in an interview Saturday with a CRIMSON reporter, "since it is a very great menace to our society". He explained that the Klan had as yet cut no very great figure in politics, although it influenced considerably the recent elections in Georgia, Oklahoma, and Texas. "It is one of the after effects of the great war," he continued, "one of the symptoms of the times. It is growing all the time, but is sure to run its course in a few years like other organizations of violence. I think it remarkable that the Clan has won so many supporters in the North and West, for it grew up as a protection for the Southerners against the carpet-bagger. The reason that this organization has been able to enlarge its scope so successfully is because it has everywhere appealed to local religious and racial antagonisms. Throughout the North and West, however, the same methods of violence are employed as in the South."
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