Preliminary trials to pick the teams for the interclass debate will be held on Monday, November 6, at 7.30 o'clock in Harvard 5. All undergraduates are eligible for these class teams, and all men interested in debating or who wish to learn its fundamentals are urged to report.
This interclass debate is being arranged by the Harvard Debating Council. Its purpose is to foster the interest in debating in the University, and to bring out new men to be trained by means of these debates for the debating teams of the next few years. The experience gained in these preliminary interclass debates is expected to be of great value to the future candidates for the University debating team.
The plans for the interclass debate are complete and were announced last night by the Debating Council. At the preliminary trials to be held Monday, all candidates are expected to be ready to give a five minute tall on either side of the following question: Resolved: That the policy of abstaining from intersectional athletic contests should be continued. This will not be the subject of the actual series of debates which will follow, but it has been chosen as offering a field with which everybody is more or less familiar and which, therefore, will not require a great deal of preliminary research work.
As a result of these preliminaries, three men will be chosen to represent each class in the debating series proper.
On Monday, November 13, these teams will have their first debates. The Freshmen will meet the Sophomores, and the Juniors will meet the Seniors. The subject of this debate has not yet been settled by the Debating Council.
On Monday, November 20, the two winning teams will debate each other for the championship. The members of the winning team will be given bronze medals by the Debating Council.
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