All men unable to make the trip to New Haven today will have ample opportunity to follow the progress of the Yale game by watching one of the numerous scoreboard reproductions at various places in Boston or its vicinity.
Members of the Union may take advantage of the special wire that has been leased by the management for the play by play announcement in the Living Room of the Union. Incidental music will be furnished by Kanrick's Orchestra. The first dispatches, regarding the lineups and other pre-game informations, will probably come in at about 1.50 o'clock.
The Harvard Club of Boston and the City Club will both have reproductions of the game, but these will be open only to members and their guests.
There will be Irwin score boards at Jordan Hall, on the corner of Huntington avenue and Gainsborough street, and at the Boston Arena, 238 St. Botolph street near Massachusetts avenue. All seats in Jordan Hall are reserved and will sell for $1.00 and $1.50. Tickets to the Arena are $1.10 for reserved seats and 55 cents for admission.
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