

Famous Actress Will Appear at Boston Opera House in French Plays Beginning Monday--Dumas, Moliere, Augier and Lavedan on List

Mlle. Sorel, the renowned leading woman of the Comedie Francaise, is to follow Georges Clemenceau as a visitor to Boston this week. On Monday night Mlle. Sorel and her associates from the first French National Theatre, M. Albert Lambert and M. Louis Ravet, will begin a week's engagement at the Boston Opera House, presenting modern and classic dramatic masterpieces in French, opening in Emile Augier's "L'Aventurlere".

Mlle. Sorel is in the United States by special sanction of the French Ministry of Fine Arts which has jurisdiction over the two national theatres of France. The Comedie Francaise and the Odeon. She and M. Lambert and M. Ravet were sent here as a mark of esteem for the aid America gave France in 1918.

The repertoire of the week is as follows: Augier's "L'Aventuriere" Monday evening and Saturday matinee; Dumas' "Camille", Tuesday and Saturday evenings and Thanksgiving matinee; Moliere's "Le Misanthrope", Wednesday and Thursday evenings; Lavedon's "Le Duel", Wednesday matinee; and Dumas' "Le Demi Monde" Friday evening.

Boston is the only city except New York that Mlle. Sorel will visit in the United States. Her leave of absence from the Comedie Francaise expires December 12th and she must resume her place at that theatre at that time.
