

Will Speak Dec. 14 on "Communication Research and Some of Its Applications"--Motion Pictures to be Shown--Guests Will Inspect Laboratories

"Communication Research and Some of Its Applications" will be the subject on which Mr. E. H. Colpitts, Assistant Chief Engineer of the Western Electric Company, will address the Engineering Society on Thursday, December 14, at 3 o'clock in Pierce 110. Several reels of moving pictures, including one on "Electron Tubes", will be shown. The lecture is open to all members of the University.

During the war Mr. Colpitts was in complete charge of all the research work at the Western Electric Company, but is now the director of the company's development activities.

The Engineering Society has invited the Boston Section of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Affiliated Technical Societies of Boston to attend. Representatives of the Western Electric Company and of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company who are now in Boston or its vicinity will also be present. After the meeting the electrical laboratories in Pierce and the radio and high tension laboratories in Cruft will be open for inspection by the guests.
