

"Catskill Dutch to Her" Will be Given December 7 and 8 at Agassiz House--W. A. Pallmi '23 to be Stage Manager

The announcement of the cast for the second production of the 47 Workshop. "Catskill Dutch to Her", was made public last night, as well as those who will have charge of the stage and settings. This play, written by Roscoe W. Brink, will be presented on the evenings of December 8 and 9 at 8 o'clock at Agassiz House.

The sets used will be done by Miss Elinor Eustace. W. A. Pallmi '23 will act as stage manager, assisted by P. W. Barber 1G. The costume will be designed by Miss Pauline Hatfield, and the properties by Miss Elinor Dunn. L. R. McCandless 3A.S. assisted by W. R. Brewster '22 will take charge of the lighting effects.

The cast follows: Case Steenkoop,  F. C. Packard Jr. '20 Pecteha, his son,  Stuart Marten Sait Wolleben, his sister,  Miss Doris Halman Brammy Wolleben, her husband,  R. T. Bushnell '19 Nclia-Anne, a bound-out girl,  Miss Dorothy Sands Colby, a negro,  Ouiatt McConnell '23 Deacon Manny Teneyck, C. A. Rollins 1G. Nantcha, his wife,  Miss Angela Morris Deacon Irey Waters,  E. P. Goodnow '17 Irey's Anne, his wife,  Miss Kathleen Middleton Deacon Shawny Fronce, L. M. Pearson 2G. Viney Fronce, his wife,  Miss Marjorie Snow Deacon Ikey Meyers,  Conrad Salinger '23 Wait Meyers, his wife,  Miss Agnes James
