

Crimson Fledglings to Take on Schoolboy Team in Second Encounter Today--Won First Game 4-0--Captain Gray Shifted to Center Forward

HARVARD 1926  TABOR ACADEMY. Wendt, g.  g., Pembleton Tarnowsky, r.f.b.  l.f.b., Hiller Phaneuf, l.f.b.  r.f.b., Hoodley Brooks, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Makepeace (capt.) Stahl, c.h.b.  c.h.b., Bartlett Cook, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Kinney Hord, o.r.f.  o.l.f., French Small, i.r.f.  i.l.f., Costa Gray (capt.), c.f.  c.f., Dawes Wright, i.l.f.  i.r.f., Hewitt Norton, o.l.f.  o.r.f., Washburn

The 1926 soccer eleven will go to Marion today for its second encounter of the season with the Tabor Academy eleven. This will be the last game for the first-year men before they meet the strong Eli eleven in the final tussle of the fall season Saturday.

In their game with Tabor on October 28, the Crimson yearlings finished on the heavy end of a 4-0 score, in spite of the absence of Captain S. E. Gray. The schoolboys' defence was weak, and their offence unable to penetrate the Freshman line.

For today's game, Captain Gray has been shifted from the backfield to center forward, A. L. Phaneuf taking his place, while Vernon Cook Jr. takes up the latter's position at left halfback.
