

Squad Will Open Season With Meeting Monday--Wealth of Good Material for Forward and Guard Positions--Coach Wachter Explains New Rules

Practice for the University basketball squad will begin with a meeting at 3 o'clock Monday, November 27, in the Hemenway Gymnasium, when Coach Wachter and Captain Lewis Gordon '24 will discuss the prospects for the season. Candidates for the Freshman team will report at 5 o'clock in the Freshman Athletic Building on the same day and will hear Head Coach Wachter and S. W. Chase 2L., the Freshman coach, explain the method of conducting practice. Until that date informal practice will be continued at the Freshman Athletic Building this afternoon and Thursday at 4 o'clock and tomorrow and Friday at 5 o'clock. This informal practice is intended for both University and Freshman players, and is being supervised by Coaches Wachter and Chase. Second assistant and Freshman manager candidates will report at 7 o'clock Monday night, November 27, at Grays 6.

Although all but one man of last year's team will return to play this winter the loss of R. W. Fitts '23 from center weakens the line-up at the point that can be least satisfactorily strengthened. Fitts is ineligible because of his participation in one game during the 1919-1920 season. To take his place at this position, which is considered the most important in the present style of play, H. B. Tyson '23 was the most likely candidate last year, but injuries kept him out of play for the greater part of the season, and J. H. Sipp 3E.S. and E. W. Love '23 did not come up to requirements. On their possible development will depend to a great measure the success of the team.

Many Good Forwards Available

At the forward positions there is a wealth of good material, as Captain Gordon, A. E. McLeish Jr. '23, last year's captain, and M. B. Lowenthal '23 are all regulars, and J. E. Bunting Jr. and J. Scully held down these positions on last year's Freshman team. Competition for guard will be exceptionally keen, four first string men of last year--Isadore Black '24, H. E. Feiring '23, W. V. Miller '23, and J. L. Rudofsky '24--being back in the line-up, with A. W. Samborski, captain of last year's
