

National Municipal League Offers William H. Baldwin and Morton D. Hull Prizes for 1923

The National Municipal League has announced two prizes for 1923, the William H. Baldwin Prize for college undergraduates only, which has been won several times within the past twelve years by Harvard men, and the Morton Dennison Hull Prize offered only to college post graduates. Both prizes will be awarded for the best essays on some subject connected with Municipal government.

For the William H. Baldwin Prize of $100 three subjects have been selected:

1. City Managership as a Profession.

2. The Non-Partisan Movement in American Cities.

3. The Functions of Municipal Bureaus of Information, Complaint and Legal Aid.


This essay should not exceed 10,000 words, and must be mailed to the National Municipal League, 261 Broadway, New York, before April 15, 1923.

The subject of the essay for the Morton Dennison, Hull Prize must first approved by the Prize Committee. Manuscripts must not contain more than 20,000 words and should be mailed to the same address as above before September 14, 1927.

The prizes for both essays will be awarded by a beard of judges selected by the Executive Committee of the National Municipal League.
