President Eliot will preside at a public meeting of the Suffolk District of Massachusetts Medical Society in Ford Hall, Boston, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock.
The purpose of the meeting will be to discuss what animal experimentation has done for scientific medicine, and what scientific medicine has done in return for the well being of animals. Six men, all well known in the medical world will speak from their own experiences in this matter. They are:
Dr. Walter B. Cannon '96, Professor of Physiology, Harvard Medical School, "The Value of Animal Experimentation to the Physician in his daily work"; Dr. Edwin H. Place '04, Physician-in-Chief, South Department, Boston City Hospital, "The Aspect of Antitoxins in Relation to Animal Experimentation"; Dr. Richard P. Strong '16, Director of the School of Tropical Medicine, Harvard University, "What Animal Experimentation has done for Exotic and Tropical Medicine"; Professor George H. Parker '87, Director of the Zoological Laboratory, Harvard University, "The Benefit to Animals of Medical Experimentation"; Dr. Lester H. Howard, Director of the Division of Animal Industry, "How Animal Experimentation has assisted in the Control of Contagious Diseases among Animals"; Dr. Arthur W. Gilbert, Commissioner of Agriculture of Massachusetts, "What Scientific Medicine has done for Farm Animals".
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