

M. Jean Longuet, Grandson of Karl Marx and Radical Member of French Chamber of Deputies Advocates Franco-German Cooperation

The Liberal Club will hold a luncheon and meeting today at 12.45, at which M. Jean Longuet, a radical member of the French legislature, will speak on "European Reparations and Reconstruction". The luncheon will be open only to members of the club and no guests will be admitted.

M. Longuet is the grandson of Karl Marx, the famous Socialist; the son of a French journalist; Editor of "Le Popularie". Paris; and a member of the French Chamber of Deputies. He believes that the only practical plan for the reconstruction of the devastated areas lies in the collaboration of the peoples of France and Germany, acting on the plans outlined by the Frankfort Conference in April, 1922. He has already, in his tour of the United States, spoken in New York, and addressed a large audience in Symphony Hall last evening on "Europe after the World War". In this he showed the political and economic consequences of the Versailles Treaty, and discussed the French reparations propram and the scandalous profiteering in devastated France. He also considered the question of debts arising out of the World War and the role of America in saving Europe from disruption.

At the dinner held last night at the club, Associate Professer R. H. Lord '06, discussed conditions in the Near East. He reviewed the sequence of events during and since the wear, laying special emphasis on the position of Greece and Turkey in the tangled state of affairs.
