Coach Snow, Captain N. S. Howe '26, and R. M. Sedgwick 2G.B. Will be the principal speakers at the Freshman football mass meeting in Smith Halls Common Room at 7.30 tonight. The entire yearling first team will be present, and cheers and songs, led by R. G. Allen '26 and T. F. Martin '26, will be practised preparatory to the game with Yale 1926 on Saturday.
Not since 1919, when Captain C. C. Buell '23 led his Freshman team to a 10-7 win over an Eli eleven that outweighed his players 25 pounds to the man, have the Crimson yearlings scored a win over their Bihe rivals. Last year, in spite of three times advancing the ball to the Yale 20-yard line, the 1925 eleven was defeated 6 to 0.
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