

Third Competition for Class of 1925 Starts With Meeting of Candidates at Crimson Building Tonight--Business Training Valuable

With the meeting of candidates in the Crimson Building at 7 o'clock tonight, the third CRIMSON business competition open to members of the class of 1925 will begin. The competition will last 12 weeks, with no work during the Christmas recess.

Candidates who are successful will be elected to the business board of the CRIMSON, and will be eligible for the position of Business Manager in their Senior year. Graduates now in business consider the experience gained on the business board as the best and most valuable training for a business career that the College offers, either in courses or in outside activities. Particularly is this true of the experience gained from the position offers excellent opportunity for business administration. The Business Manager has supervision of all the business which pertains to a dally paper--finance, advertising, buying, circulation, and general organization and coordination.

Business candidates, coming in touch with leading advertisers of Boston and New York, will gain experience which should prove of incalculable value in a practical way to men who expect to enter the world of business after graduation. Opportunity will also be given candidates to learn the fundamentals of newspaper management and finance.
