

Reduction Will be Finished by End of Week--Will Affect 4,400 Three-Seat Applications, From Graduates and 600 From Undergraduates

The process of cutting graduate and undergraduate applications for tickets for the Harvard-Yale game at New Haven is under way and will be completed by the end of the week. The cut is to affect only three seat applications, all those made by graduates, numbering about 4,400, and about 600 of those made by undergraduates.

Speaking of the method which will be employed in making the cut, Major Moore said:

"The cut will be made entirely by lot. That is the system with which we started and after some consideration we have decided to continue to use it. It seems to me that is, after all, the fairest method. The ticket applications of last year's Freshman class were all cut to employ a preferential system of granting tickets by classes would necessitate cutting the applications of the same class again. Moreover, in consideration of the limited number of tickets to be distributed next year on account of the limited capacity of the Stadium, and the resuitingly smaller number of tickets to everyone, it is evident that the class of 1925 would get a decidedly unfair deal under such a system".
