

The first University Golf Tournament starts today. It is merely another sign that the popularity of this offspring of Dutch and Scottish ancestry is growing as much here as in other places. Elsewhere, golf courses in an increasing number are meeting the demands of this popularity, but Harvard, with no golf course at all, has let it remain ungratified. All but those fortunate few who have access to private courses must be content with Franklin Park, but most players, because of its inconvenience, prefer to do without.

Last spring a Harvard Golf Association was formed with the purpose of promoting the sport and giving impetus to the idea of a course for Harvard. This idea has won much ardent support and already some enthusiasts can easily foresee the day when they will be able to swing their clubs on a University course. A happy day, indeed, but far from realization. There's many a slip, as the golfer would say, between the tee and the cup. The plan ought not to be permitted to die in its infancy from lack of consistent support. The Golf Association can be kept hale and vigorous; and a modest course fund should be started. Then, when the alumni see that the project is being carried forward in earnest, they may reasonably be relied on to step in and bring it to a successful close.
